TV Promo shots for Transformation Street

Now on TV
Renegade Pictures and ITV commissioned Exposure Photography to produce some engaging imagery to help promote their new series Transformation Street, now showing on ITV.
There’s been a huge boost in awareness around transgender issues of late, and with greater awareness comes greater curiosity. Transformation Street (ITV) set out to shed a little more light on what’s involved, following a number of individuals – from a representatively rich range of backgrounds – who had embarked on this challenging journey with the help of a specialist private clinic, the London Transgender Surgery.

It wasn’t all about operations. There was a wide variety of experiences to follow. But the undoubted “star” of the opening episode was Lucas, a 22-year-old transitioning from female to male, who, having lived as a man for two years, was about to undergo breast removal surgery. There was an engaging transparency – and laddishness – to Lucas that simply invited us to see life from his perspective.
“She baked me wrong in the oven,” Lucas laughed, in one consultation, his mother sitting beside him. She was equally empathetic, admitting to grieving the loss of her only daughter but: “Boy or girl, he’s still my child”.
But Lucas’s story was the one that lingered. The rush of joy and relief he felt following his surgery erased any doubt that this was the right and only path for him. And it set the mood for what promises to be a series full of insight, humour and understanding.
Read the full article here:

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